In the labyrinthine journey along the zodiacal path of Aries, the third decan emerges as a crucible. Here, the fiery essence of desire confronts the complexities of navigating relationships within a social framework. Drawing inspiration from Sappho’s liminal fragmented verses, we embark on a quest to unravel the enigmatic tapestry of this Venusian decan nestled…
Author: admin
Three of Wands, Sun ruled decan of Aries
art by: Hector Ayala In the dance of a monist cosmic creation, each facet of existence emanates from the One Being, and every aspect of being can be said to be an expression of various fragments of this grand unity. Thus, every act, every impulse, becomes a sacred thread woven into the fabric of the…
Two of Wands, Mars ruled decan of Aries
Imagine a world in perpetual motion, a celestial dance choreographed by unseen forces. Here, the notion of a fixed, unchanging self crumbles like dust. Instead, we find ourselves in a constant state of “becoming” – the self, the body, and nature’s very heartbeat, all engaged in a cyclical rhythm of creation and destruction. This cosmic dance propels us…
Your November 2023 Horoscope
A determined energy infuses the air as we continue through Scorpio season, bringing fierceness to the collective while offering support when it comes to the destruction of obstacles. This solar placement highlights the balance we all must strike between dark and light, underlining how it is sometimes necessary to break down foundations so that they…
October 2023 Horoscopes Under The Libra Eclipse
Given the importance of the Sun—the center of the universe—in astrology, this October 2023 horoscope serves as a useful roadmap for the month’s astronomical events. It may sap our motivation and vitality as it moves through Libra, its debilitating sign. Astrologer Ashish Somani can provide insightful advice to help Libras overcome these obstacles and fully…
September 29 Full Moon in Aries 6°00’
A week after the Libra Sun ingress, the fourth and final Super Full Moon of the year arrives with the Full Moon in Aries. This lunation takes place on September 29, 2023 (2:57 a.m. PDT) in the first decan of Aries (Aries I) and the 27th Lunar Mansion. The Moon is ruled by Mars, which…
Sorting Out Tough Astrological Transits/Progressions
I have been feeling particularly nostalgic this summer and dedicated a lot of time to processing personal and collective grief through my own dedicated rituals. It was almost 5-years ago now that Tem discovered the “lump in his throat” and in many ways it feels like it has lived in mine ever since. On Tem’s birthday I did a…
Venus returns as morning star
Astrologers are well aware of the current Venus retrograde cycle and her connection to the myth of the descent of Inanna. Now in Leo, many have noted the connections to the movie industry and the Barbie phenomena. (1) Looking through TMA archives, I have updated a blog (from 2011) with another tribute to Venus: her…
The Mysteries of Matter: Virgo Season 2023
On August 23, 2023, the Sun will leave its place of rulership in Leo, turning attention toward its more humble journey through the mutable earth sign of Virgo. The blazing fire of the higher self that erupted in Leo season now settles into your heart as a kindling flame of conscience. And as the raw…
The Lion and the Child: Leo Season 2023
The first ray of light that dawns in Leo season summons a feeling of celebration. The Sun has returned home to its place of rulership. And as the Sun rises to its full power, a surge of courage and vitality will shift the mood dramatically. The Sun is a symbol of spiritual power, the heart…